I missed Pilates

So I missed the Pilates class. I'll try again some other time.

However, I'm going back into town today, and starting with Kuk Sool Won again. (w007!). That makes me happy.

I'm a wee bit concerned, however, because I love my instructor, but over the last four years I think he's gotten more soft around the edges. He's a great guy, but staying in business is an important part of the full-time martial arts school plan, and that means that sometimes the authenticity of the training suffers in exchange for its entertainment value. That's just a fact of business and life. He's done a good job so far but I don't know how things are going to go in the long term. We'll see.

I really need a job, and hopefully I'll start/continue that search this afternoon. Wish me luck.

I'm seriously considering Bouncer, because the hours would work well. I'm also going to try and get in touch with a contact of my mothers that might be able to get me a line on something good at Felix's. We'll see.

In the meantime. . . life is sortof rewriting itself by the moment. My Girl and I are reworking our relationship into something that will survive the summer, I think. But it won't be the same. I don't think anything will ever be the same.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


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