Six Days Running

Six days!

For six days, I've been playing listener/helper. For each of the last 6 nights I've got to sleep between 2 and 5. In each case, the last 4 hours or so were spent being a listener or friend. A total of 6 different people (maybe 7? I'm loosing track) each with a story or a concern or just a need.

And each one served as a renewed a lesson of how God's calling on our lives can be a huge blessing but also an inadvertently massive inconvenience in our nice little structured lives.

But each of them deserves the love and attention that a good listener provides, and who am I to turn away the least of these for my own benefit?

I am honoured to serve with what paltry gifts I might possess.

But tonight? Tonight is the seventh day, and it is time for Patrick to rest.

Friday, April 09, 2004


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