"Where There is Hope."

"Where there is hope, there is a dream
To rise above, to remit, and to redeem.
To go back. To go where there's no hurt or anger there.
To find the song that you once could sing.
Where there is hope, there is a dream."

Ashton, Becker, Dante - Song of Reconciliation


In the meantime. . .I think most of my friends are pushovers.

It's like I've accrued so much solidarity of character with them that when my actions should challenge their notions of what they think I am, they ignore them and move on, unburdened by the simple truth that the person they act as if I am is not who I am choosing to be.

Do I like the person I'm choosing to be? Not particularly. But the fact that he is ignored in favour of the person whose reputation I gave myself over the last four years is an astonishing thing.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


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