The most inspiring thing you'll ever see.

Meet Mike Phillips

You must watch to the end. Then stop moving--just for a moment--and imagine.

I got chills.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

One of Each. Every Day. For a Year.


15 pages of scripture.

Plus 1 of the three available in each of the three categories below:


Visual: Drawing - three sketches (body/machine/face) or Photography - 1 photoshoot (NMT 10 retained shots)

Aural: Piano - thirty minutes or Voice - thirty minutes.

Written: fiction, or prosaic essay.


French - thirty minutes

Cantonese - thirty minutes

English Poetry and Etymology of Words - thirty minutes


Parkour (1 hour)

Shuai Jiao Class (or equivalent)

Simple Exercise (Tennis, Running, Soccer, Iso/Plyometrics, punching bag).

Daily entry here to chart progress.

Starting June 1st.

Not a bad start.

Fascinating, really.

And pretty accurate, to boot.

I am reminded, of course, of Into the Woods:

"I was raised to be charming, not sincere." - Cinderella's Prince

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm back, bitches. . .

. . .but it's probably not for the best.

Oh, also, be careful where you swing those iPods, you consumer whores. . .because you might kill grandma.

Thursday, May 10, 2007