What did you expect?

Surely not an outpouring of public debate and discussion? After all, I have 4 daily readers, and one of them is visiting me right now so I know she isn't checking it.

My life has become quite lethargic as Christmas approaches. The holiday is now too close to do anything meaningful, too far away to instill panic. I've already done all of my shopping save one, and the vast majority of my giving as well. Just a small Christmas eve celebration, then a nice relaxed Christmas day, and it's all finished up nicely.

I've started getting back into the writing mood, so you might see some fiction here shortly. If so, it might be a continuation of something written earlie, like something from Ashley's story or Danny's Tale. It might be fun to instill a bit of continuity in those pieces.

In the meantime, I'm off to play host for a bit and maybe watch a few movies (yes, at 10AM). Cheerio.

Thursday, December 22, 2005