Getting back on my feet.

"Now I lay me down to dream."

I've got some work to do today.

More than a couple of things have been bothering me lately, and I'm coming to terms with them one at a time.

I came so close to the edge that I can't tell whether I stepped over or not.

I've frightened myself by how far I can fall, I think.

In any case, I'm done in Macon. The pictures are developed. My father fixed my jeep for my birthday. He's so cool. My sister's birthday is tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it. I even have her gift ready.

In the meantime, I've got some work to do. There are some very overdue letters that need to be prepared, some answers that must be written. Heck, I've still got to unpack from the trip. That's the first order of the day, unpacking.

And now, to work. Time to produce? To bear fruit?

I think I might also do some reading later today. I think I have a few religious texts I owe it to myself to read.

Sunday, July 25, 2004


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