Building upon the Sands of Love

Second entry of the day.

For news, see the previous one.

Last night, I thought about the changing and advancing of time.

And I thought about us. And about others. And about all the stupid stuff I've done in my life that I regret.

And I listened to a girl who thinks she's a woman explain that she has finally come to realize that she isn't in love with me (editor's note: "Hurrah! Finally, we appear to be on the same page!"). And it got me to thinking.

It seems that so many people are so willing to try to be in love, in order to fulfill their need to love and be loved.

It seems people often want to expand on a pre-existing relationship and make it something more than it is. Or act upon a foundation that is not yet reasonably formed.

It's like building your house on the sand, all over again. I've been guilty of it myself. Anyone who starts a relationship with an old friend just after they have broken up with someone else is building on sand. People who mistake kindness and caring for love are building upon sand. People who decide that "A relationship with this person would be amazingly convenient, and should therefor be embarked upon" are building upon sand.

Why do we build on sand? What makes us so desperate to enter relationships that we willingly cast aside the caution and intelligence we would have used in any other situation (vocational, academic, etc.) when it comes time to consider romance?

What makes romantics into such fools? If love makes all men fools, what is its purpose?

I love. I am tired of love. I am tired by love. I love.

And they all say the pain will numb in time.

Friday, August 06, 2004


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