Mood Rings

"We all know the girls, that I am talking about. .
They are time bombs, and they are ticking,
and the only question's when they will blow up?"

So I was thinking, right. . .

Say you love someone for who they are. Or they love you for who you are. Whatever.

Now what does that mean, really? I mean, you know the phrase: "She loves me for who I am!" We've all heard it in a dozen teen dramas and probably our own lives once or twice.

So here's the question I have for the knight gallant with the great girlfriend who thinks he's fantastic: what if you change?

People change. This is an important fact. More important is a side note: change is not always positive. Sometimes change is regression, sometimes it's advancement, sometimes it's just change, with no particular direction or positive or negative aspects.

So how does humanity deal with the fact that when we say, every day, across the world: "I love you for who you are" we're admitting, deep down inside our minds, that we don't have to love who they might become.

God doesn't love us because of who we are. If he did, he could easily enough shrug us off after time and time again we regress to our most hateful and depraved states. So what does he love us for? I think that maybe the only valid answer is that he loves us because of who he is.

So if that's true, than is that the answer to a successful relationship? Not loving the other person for who they are, but loving them for who you are? Are we meant to love our mates because that's what we are meant to do, not because they have demonstrated some worthiness or earned it by being 'Mr./Ms. Right'?

What if that is too much work?

Is that what it comes down to? Is that what inspires thousands of divorces and breakups and heartaches every day? Are we just not ready to put in the mind-numbing, heart-rending, emotionally-exhausting effort that it takes to love someone because we are someone meant to love them? Do we just slowly decide we don't love each other because we never loved them for who we are, we loved them for who they were, once upon a time, in a dream. Or do we lie to ourselves to get to that place, to make ourselves feel safe, so that we don't have to admit that we didn't have the energy to see it through? Do we want to avoid realizing that we didn't have the sheer strength of will and character, to be what we promised we were?

And if it happens, how would you know it happened to you?

"Lets get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
so we'll be tipped off, to when they're ticked off. . ."
Relient K - Mood Rings

Sunday, June 13, 2004


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