The Size of the Military

Hey, this is interesting.

I just read in this article that the total population of the Army is about to increase to 502,400.

That's just over half a million people. In a country of 300 million, that means one in every 600 people is in the Army.

In other news: I'm tired, and I ripped both my hands open on the bag tonight. Stupid soft knuckles. They'd better firm up fast. I plan on working on the bag a lot over coming months.


No big thoughts tonight. Just little ones. Like how it is interesting that The Urban Dictionary doesn't have an entry for "Roughshod" but does.

Funny thing, that.

And by the way. This Flash Video is genius. (NSFW - language).

Post Post script: The quote of the day: "Tell me someone's face doesn't look as bad as your hand." - My mother

Friday, June 18, 2004


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