New York notes II

More New York notes, taken during the bible study.

"Teach Me some melodious sonnet."

[deletia, bible study notes.]


"Self Defined Person."

[Our fearless leader] called me that, earlier today, after I told him thtat I was staying [in, while everyone else was going sightseeing].

I'm honoured. We'll probably talk about it later.

I have new respect for [another member of the team]. He's really put a lot of energy into this trip that he didn't really have to.

Quotes for the day:

"This is a challenge before allmighty God, I shall Merge!" - Our Fearless Leader, [on the subject of New York traffic].

"He's like, 'dlling, dlling, dlling,' and he gets in my way!" [One of our drivers, admitting to the indignity of being cut off by a bike messenger while driving a 15 passenger van.]

Friday, March 26, 2004


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