11 days and counting.

My check engine light is on.

All is well.

My roommate is occasionally inconsiderate.

All is well.

My stuff is all over the place and wants packing up.

All is well.

My motorcycle will not start.

All is well.

The roof estimates are late.

All is well.

The appraisal contingency date has been passed, and I'm still sans appraisal.

All is well.

I might have friends that are free to help me move. . . or I might not.

All is well.

I spent a lot of money this weekend.

All is well.

Things with one of my girlfriends are going to get tough at the end of the month.

All is well.

One of my Brothers is losing his mind with the boredom of unemployment. Another is losing his wife to the ignorance and impetuousness of a spoiled youth.

All is well.

The future is unclear.

All is well.

The house is going to cost more than I wanted to pay.

All is well.

There are people moving, dispersing, finding new homes(Korea, Seattle, Washington D.C., Ghana)--most are going far enough away that I cannot see them as often as I'd like.

All is well.

My piano sits unplayed.

All is well.

The language curriculums I want to study remain unstudied.

All is well.

There is too much to clean, too much to fret over, too much to plan, and too much to do.

All is well.

11 Days.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008